How To Turn The G-mee Connect Into A Talk & Text Phone

Some customers just want the ability to make and receive phone calls, and send and receive SMS. We get it, having access to modern apps is not always something you want to give to children OR maybe you don’t need anything more than just talk/text.
With G-mee Connect it’s possible to achieve this.
With a few quick adjustments to the G-mee Connect Settings, you switch off cellular data and JUST have access to talk and text.
Each handset requires an ‘Access Point Name’ to be entered into the smartphone. This is an address provided by your mobile operator. This allows the device to talk to the cellular tower so data can upload and download. If you remove this address any feature that requires data will no longer work. This means the device will default back to only allowing phone calls and SMS. This is not a permanent outcome, simply re-enter the APN address for your provider and your Smart features will continue once data begins to flow.
But, some of you are asking whether it’s possible to lock down this feature, so certain members of your family can’t re-enter the APN address without you knowing and once again gain access to cellular data! Well, that’s possible too, using the ‘G-mee App Lock’ included in every G-mee device.
We have produced a walk-through video that shows you how to do both of these features.
Click on these links to watch the step-by-step guides on our youtube channel.